ARTISTS TO KNOW: Nadia Huggins

From the CIRCA NO FUTURE SERIES, Nadia Huggins
From the CIRCA NO FUTURE SERIES, Nadia Huggins

Nadia Huggins is a young photographer and graphic artist who has used the Caribbean sea as a significant feature in her work. The sea is a potent symbol in Caribbean culture, conjuring up the history of the Middle Passage as well as our contemporary experience of labour and leisure, migration, pollution, tourism and the drugs trade. Hugggins’ underwater shots can be dramatic and contemplative offering viewers unique perspectives on the way in which the marine ecosystem can facilitate ideas about our bodies, identities and social relations. For example, her series, Circa no Future, considers the relationship of masculinity to the sea. The work features young boys frolicking in the waters of Indian Bay, Saint Vincent & the Grenadines. The photographs sought to capture their joy and innocence as well as their posturing of bravery as they leaped off a large rock into the sea.
- Petrina Dacres

 The 'Artists To Know' feature began as a part of the Instagram Takeover that we partnered with Residency Unlimited on during the period of protests over public monuments, racial injustice and other calls for political paradigm shifts (June 19th). It is our wish to further showcase a growing list of Caribbean artists that are doing work and have done work that is both critical and timely. Find out more about Nadia Huggins' work on Instagram @nadiahuggins and the artist's website.

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